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What in the World have We Been Doing Since October?!

Where have we been? What is happening at Heather's Family Farm? Are you bringing that delicious and healthy grass fed beef and pasture pork to the Farmers' Markets this summer? What about bacon? Do you have any bacon, yet? And eggs?  Yes! How is it that just yesterday, and by yesterday, I mean October, we were wrapping up the first full Farmers' Market season for Heather's Family Farm and already here it is, May 31st and time to start a new season of Farmers' Markets? Magic. I'm sure it was magic...and taking Baker County's winter one day and one frozen water trough at a time.  In October, Mama had a litter of eight strong, healthy piglets. We were lucky to be donated some pumpkins (which we would be thrilled to have next fall when you're ready to be rid of your fermenting, yukky Halloween pumpkins). We also picked up many bags of leaves which the pigs snacked on and used for bedding. Yes, we would love to help you recycle lawn clippings, branches (no ro

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